June, 2022
RE: Reviewed Price for 10C Container Deposit Scheme Products /
10C Deposit 対象商品価格改定のお知らせ
Dear Customers,
As you know NSW has 10C Container Deposit Scheme for all eligible imported bottles, and recently all suppliers keep increasing the prices due to shortage of supply. Under all those pressure, JFC could not absorbed all the costs infinitely, therefore we need to review the products price which related 10C Container Deposit Scheme products. New prices will be applied shortly, and your kind understanding would be highly appreciated.
Please feel free to contact your sales representative or JFC Sydney office if you have any require further information,
Thank you very much for your continuous patronage!
Best Regards,
弊社 JFC グループでは合理化や効率化によるコストダウンの努力を続けてまいりましたが、昨今の世界的な日本食ブームによる原料価格の高騰により、これまでの企業努力では吸収できない厳しい状況となってまいりました。
つきましては誠に勝手ながらNSW州の10C Deposit 対象商品について、州政府手数料分を加算した新価格を適用させて頂きたく、何卒御了承頂けますようお願い申し上げます。